Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why Names Matter

I recently provided the escort cards for a large beautiful wedding on the Seacoast where there were over 30 no-shows .  The majority of the no-shows were the " Guest" of an invited friend or relative.  I always ask Brides to obtain the actual name of the "& Guest"  name because each escort card should have the guest's actual name. Obtaining an actual guest name also provides the bride with a firm commitment. With the cost of each guest averaging between $75 and $150 per plate, multiple no-shows will impact the Bride's budget and can be a non-reversible disaster to the bottom line cost of the wedding.

So, my expert advice to all of my Brides is to ALWAYS get the actual name of the "& Guest" at least 30 days prior to the wedding - BEFORE you commit to your final guest numbers with your Reception vendors.

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